Friday, 28 August 2015

Kusudama Floweres

Here is a little tutorial for the Kusudama flowers that I use a lot of the time to decorate my book folds. This is not my own tutorial but i thought i would share. They look complicated but after youve made a few of these you will be able to make them with your eyes closed.

I use a glue gun to stick the individual petals together and also to attach each petal together to make the complete flower.

You can make them with 5 or 6 petals depending on how many you want.


  1. Just a note, this flower can be used with more than even 6 petals, I have made these flowers with up to 10 petals, using a different paper for each petal.

  2. Just a note, this flower can be used with more than even 6 petals, I have made these flowers with up to 10 petals, using a different paper for each petal.
